Fidelity Finance Company Limited (FFCL) was incorporated on 2nd October, 1987 as a private liability company with the main objective of carrying out stockbroking and allied financial services. The initial authorized paid up capital of ₦50 million was increased to 3.5 billion few years after due to rapid expansion in our scope of business which include handling huge transactions such as public offerings, This was before the introduction of a new capital base for various categories of players in the capital market by Securities & Exchange Commission. As an Is'suing House and Broker/Dealer, we now have a total asset base of over ₦4 billion.

The company is a member of the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) and is duly registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) as a Broker/Dealer and Issuing House. Fidelity Finance Company Limited is one of the stockbroking firms selected to deal in Nigerian Treasury Bills by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Our Services

About Us

Our Vision

"To maintain the highest professional standards and quality service delivery remain our guiding principle".

Our Mission

To assist in creating a secured tomorrow for our clients, to provide an enabling work environment for our staff and to increase our shareholder's net worth.

Our Core Values

  • Service with passion
  • Professionalism
  • Integrity
  • Respect for the Individual
  • Innovation
  • Team Spirit